18. 4. 2024

Simfonična metal zasedba Elvellon v obliki besedilnega videa predstavlja drugi single My Forever Endeavour s prihajajočega drugega albuma Ascending in Synergy. Izid albuma je napovedan za 17. maj, izšel pa bo pri založbi Napalm Records.

3. 4. 2024

Kot smo januarja poročali, je v 78. letu starosti umrl Tony Clarkin, kitarist, ustanovitelj britanskih veteranov Magnum. Že takrat se je šušljalo, da to pomeni tudi konec za zasedbo, ki je to zdaj tudi uradno potrdila. Izjava vokalista Boba Catleyja:

»Hello, everybody. Bob here. All right. I wish I didn't have to tell you this, but I really can't carry on with Tony not here anymore. Please forgive me, and I hope you can understand how I feel. I've been thinking about it a lot lately.
Since we lost Tone, we lost our guiding light, the magnum force behind the band, our songwriter, our producer, our guitar player. He was everything to the band. He was everything to me. For the last 50 years, we never went anywhere without each other. On tour, in the studio, I was at his side constantly, working on stuff with him. I had a wonderful life with Tony. But now it's all too much for me, people. I can't carry on without Tony.
I may pop up in some other shape or form in the near future – you never know – but I can't keep going on like this. It's far too sad; it's all too sad.
So, I hope you understand. You've been fantastic – the best audience ever. You kept this band going year after year, album after album, and we thank you for that.
So, be good. Keep Tony's music in your heart always. I know I will. I will always carry MAGNUM inside me. And I will always have Tony Clarkin beside me wherever I go.
I love you. You've been brilliant. But it's time for me to bow out now. It's my last curtain call, okay? I'll see you sometime. Be good. Cheers. Bye-bye.«

19. 3. 2024

Angleški power metalci Dragonforce so prejšnji petek pri Napalm Records izdali album Warp Speed Warriors. S tega albuma so objavili tudi svež videospot za skladbo Burning Heart.

19. 3. 2024

Angleški ekstremneži Cradle Of Filth se potikajo v studiu, kjer pripravljajo material za 14. dolgometražec. Novico je v svojem profilu Instagram razkrila vokalistka in klaviaturistka Zoë M. Federoff:

»I am beyond humbled to have been allowed to contribute vocals and/or keys to many of the songs on this album. Dani and the guys showed a lot of faith in me for my first album with the gang, and I went in extremely nervous and hellbent on making them all proud. Thank God Dani Filth and producer Scott Atkins are so good at calming my nerves! That was the most fun and relaxing studio session I've had in ages!

Fourteen will be something very special, a distinctly new chapter, and it quite satisfies both the musician and the long-time Cradle fan inside me. A piece of each of our souls lives audibly in it. Prepare yourselves, Filthy family!

18. 3. 2024

Veljak norveške black metal scene Abbath se letošnje poletje znova odpravlja na turnejo po Evropi. Turneja z imenom Return to the Raven Realms Tour bo nekaj posebnega zlasti zaradi tega, ker se bo Abbath z bandom sprehodil skozi cel katalog komadov, ki jih je kot član legendarnih Immortal soustvaril med 1992 in 2009. 1. avgusta se bo karavana ustavila tudi na Dunaju, in kot pravi Abbath, bo celotna turneja nekaj posebnega:

»I can’t wait to get back on stage this summer to perform some old favorites that I haven’t played for a long, long time. Mark my words – it’s going to be loud and epic!«

14. 3. 2024

Angleška rock zasedba Grand Slam iz Londona bo 7. junija izdala album Wheel of Fortune, objavila pa je že video za skladbo There Goes My Heart.

29. 2. 2024

Francoski black metal okultneži Corpus Diavolis bodo marca izdali tretji celovečerec Elixiria Ekstasis. Izšel naj bi 15. marca pri založbi Les Acteurs De L'Ombre Productions. Tracklista:

His Wine Be Death
Key to Luciferian Joy
Carnal Hymnody
Cyclopean Adoration
Vessel of Abysmal Luxury
The Golden Chamber
Menstruum Congressus
Enfleshed in Silence
Chalice of Fornication

Spodaj pa si lahko ogledate video za drugi single s prihajajočega albuma Chalice of Fornication.

16. 2. 2024

Kalifornijski black/death metalci Civerous predstavljajo videospot za komad Labyrinth Charm, ki so ga posneli z Derekom Rydquistom (The Zenith Passage). Z omenjenim komadom napovedujejo album Maze Envy, ki ga bo 22. marca izdali pri založbi 20 Buck Spin. Labyrinth Charm obsega te naslove:

The Azure Eye
Shrouded in Crystals
Endless Symmetry
Labyrinth Charm
Leviatation Tomb
Maze Envy
Geryon (The Plummet)

9. 2. 2024

Finski melodični death gothic metalci Before The Dawn bodo 8. marca pri Napalm Records izdali EP Archaic Flame. Prav tako pa nam ponujajo v pogled video za istoimenski komad.

7. 2. 2024

Ameriški dark metalci Grey Skies Fallen so v obliki animiranega videospota razkrili pesem Cracks in Time, drugi single s prihajajočega ploščka Molded by Broken Hands. Seznam pesmi:

A Twisted Place in Time
Molded by Broken Hands
No Place for Sorrow
I Can Hear Your Voice
Cracks in Time
Save Us
Knowing That You’re There

7. 2. 2024

Finski melodični death metalci Northern Genocide so nedavno v obliki besedilnega videospota razkrili pesem Our Final Hour s  prihajajočega drugega ploščka The Point of No Return. Seznam pesmi je takšen:

To Serve the Pestilence
Harbingers of Genocide
My Fortress
Our Final Hour
Para Bellum
The Engram
Necropolis (feat. Tommy Tuovinen)

6. 2. 2024

Nemški simfonični metalci Leaves' Eyes so objavili video za skladbo Who Wants to Live Forever s prihajajočega albuma Myths of Fate, ki naj bi izšel 22. marca pri AFM Records.

31. 1. 2024

Lansko leto je enočlanska black metal zasedba Blackbraid, ki svojo inspiracijo išče v zgodbah ameriških staroselcev, izdala album Blackbraid II. Po krajšem premoru pa zdaj idejni vodja Sgah’gahsowáh sporoča, da je že začel delo z novim albumom, ki bo nosil ime Blackbraid III. Podrobnosti za zdaj še ostajajo skrivnost. Celotno izjavo Sgah’gahsowáha pa lahko preberete spodaj:

»I realize it has been several weeks since I posted on this account which is unusual for me. Rest assured the silence is a temporary but necessary one. The solitude of winter has always been an integral part of my writing and this year is no different.

That being said it should not surprise you that I have recently begun work on a third full length, Blackbraid III. The details of this release are still largely unknown and there is much work to be done in the coming months, just know that my lack of social media presence during the writing process is a necessary one.

As the winter wanes on I will make more updates on the new album as the process progresses. As always, thank you all for your endless support, I promise this is only the beginning.«

17. 1. 2024

Nemška zasedba Paradox se vrača z napovedjo novega albuma Mysterium. Album naj bi izšel še letos pri založbi AFM Records, točen datum izida pa še ni znan. Spodaj pa si lahko preberete izjavo Charlyja Steinhauerja:

»Friends and fans,
I had a dream. I wanted to start together with AXEL BLAHA, with whom I founded PARADOX in 1981, and end together again at some point. Unfortunately, that is no longer possible because he has said goodbye to this world.
In all these years, AXEL was the only musician who worked with me the way you have to, to achieve a goal. We never danced around at multiple weddings and were always loyal to one band. PARADOX! This was the only way the two classics “PRODUCT OF IMAGINATION” and “HERESY” were possible.
I miss him very much and it is very difficult for me to move on without him, but anyone who knows me knows that giving up is not an option for me.
Not even after 43 years and that's why I can tell you, that I have composed a new PARADOX album, which will hopefully be released worldwide this year via AFM RECORDS. The album will be called “MYSTERIUM” and will contain all the trademarks a Paradox fan wants.
The special thing about “MYSTERIUM” is that I composed all the songs and played all the instruments myself, because I will never again work with project-hungry musician whores who play a few notes on an album but otherwise have nothing to do with PARADOX, or none maintain contact with his colleagues. Unfortunately, this runs like a common thread through the entire career and is the main reason why PARADOX was never able to really get off the ground. To do this you need musicians who work together and pursue a common goal.
It should also be a warning to all young musicians and new bands who want to achieve something with their band. You can find out more about this in the numerous interviews for the new album. You should definitely read this!
I will also be responsible for the mix and the entire production.
The lyrics are written by ACHIM “DAXX” HOEMERLEIN (ex-Vendetta), who also wrote the lyrics for “TALES OF THE WEIRD” and “PANGEA”.
TRAVIS SMITH (Opeth/Nevermore etc) is currently working on the artwork.
“MYSTERIUM” is a very heavy album and contains 10 songs with a playing time of 51 minutes. Dedicated to AXEL BLAHA, my best friend and co-founder of PARADOX!

21. 12. 2023

Švicarski veterani death/thrash metala Messiah za naslednje leto napovedujejo nov album Christus Hypercubus. Izšel naj bi 1. marca pri založbi High Roller Records, medtem ko si lahko že zdaj ogledate video za komad Deaf Forever s tega.

28. 4. 2024
Nanowar of Steel
Rockhouse, Salzburg, Avstrija
28. 4. 2024
Marduk, Origin, Doodswens
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija
28. 4. 2024
Bongzilla, Kadabra, Bongorodica
Klub Močvara, Zagreb, Hrvaška
29. 4. 2024
Wizard Master, Chains
Channel Zero, Metelkova, Ljubljana
30. 4. 2024
The Ossuary, Motorowl, Wizard Master, Chains
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum Explosiv, Gradec, Avstrija
2. 5. 2024
Sedem Minut Strachu, Usnu?, Urethra
Jalla Jalla, Metelkova, Ljubljana